Monday, April 10, 2006

Factory Photos

My group photo shoot with the digicam class the weekend before last was a bit disappointing. The sky was overcast, the grass was still brown and the trees were bare. Of the 60-some pix I took, only 3 or 4 were Flickr worthy. This past weekend, the sun was out and the sky was blue, so I went to Easthampton to wander around the factories and take pictures. The Easthampton Industrial Properties, One Ferry Street, is a wreck of a building. It's in the process of being gutted, but I'm not sure what it will become after renovation. Maybe loft spaces, in which case I'll let my expat pal Spooner know. He's making noise about wanting a loft to store his stuff in.

I just put four of the factory pix on my Flickr page. Although I'm not much of a joiner, I've become a member of two Flickr groups -- Pioneer Valley and Noho -- and have posted a couple pix on each. So far, no other members have reached out to say, "Welcome, comrad." I guess that's the difference between an anonymous online community and the Socialist Party. I think I'd actually like to be part of a photo group, the way my quilter pal is in a quilting group. It would be fun to do occasional group photo shoots, then look at each other's pix over beer and snacks.

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